How I Started Tithing
Hay Daizee Loves!
I have decided to do a series on tithing. Yes… tithing. It is important and people do not really talk about it outside of church. So… I am going to talk about it. First, I wanted to share with you all when and how I started tithing. Keep reading.
Growing up, I learned about tithing in Sunday school and bible study. It was one of those things for me where I did not really understand it until I actually started practicing it. Of course, my dad gave me that opportunity.
We were given allowance for doing our chores every Saturday. My dad would come in, inspect everything and then pay us. One Sunday after I started getting allowance, I noticed my cousin (who is my age) putting money in a tithing envelope. I was like, “Whoa... what are you doing? Are we old enough to tithe?” I was super serious because for whatever reason, I thought there was an age requirement for tithing. He said something real simple like, “because we are supposed to” with a smile on his face and walked off. It was genuine, he did not mean in a smart way. Of course, I went and asked my Sunday school teachers if I should be tithing my allowance. Ya girl could not be out here doing wrong. They said I could if I wanted to, but at the same time, most kids did not (now I am thinking about how I am not most kids). I had to be about 11 or 12 at the time. They also reminded me of what we were taught about tithing. Which was God would be pleased whether it was a penny, $1, or $10. At this point not only am I thinking I should probably do it because most kids do not but I should probably do it because God will be happy that I am even if it is just allowance. I told them I would think about it.
Riding to church the next Sunday, after getting allowance the previous afternoon, I remember asking my parents if I HAD to tithe my allowance because their opinion on the matter was important to me. They said I did not have to and I was a little surprised. They said it was my money and I could decide what to do with it. My dad was like, “Do what you want, but I’m tithing mine. Speaking of which, Flee (my mom) do you have the checkbook?” How was I supposed to make a decision with that? Then I started thinking I could buy some candy with that $1 after church. (At that age, my allowance was $10 so 10% would have been $1).
We go in Sunday school. When I get to my class, my teachers smilingly ask me what I decided. I am like, “yeahhhh I don’t know… my parents said I don’t have to.” They kept smiling and were like, “Okay, let us know what you decide.” I think at this point I was leaning more towards not doing it because the only person who made it seem like I had to was my cousin and what did he know? He was a kid too.
They teach the lesson and we go back into the sanctuary. This is when they dismiss the Sunday school and people get change and all of that. I watched my mom write out the check for her and dad’s tithes. People were walking by hugging her, telling her good morning, and stuff and she was just smiling. I noticed tithing did not have her bent out of shape or anything. However, the fact that I could buy some candy after church with that dollar did have me a little bent. However, I started thinking that my parents’ tithes were much more than mine and they could buy something real with that check (Thank God for growth). However, I noticed my mom seemed to enjoy writing that check. She was smiling. She was not frowning. That is when I made my decision. I told my mama I wanted to tithe my allowance. She smiled at me as if she knew that was what I would ultimately decide. She said, “That’s good baby. We are blessed and we know where it comes from.” She told me to go get change from one of the ushers and that was the start of me tithing. I was so happy filling out my little envelope like, “God, this is for you big guy! Thank you for blessing my family.”
True story. That is exactly how it went down. It is cute because even now, I sit beside my mom in Sunday school and I watch her write out their tithing check, FAITHFULLY. I thank God for their example. I am 23 now so that happened over 10 years ago. Throughout the years, I have learned so much more about tithing and its importance. I am excited to share my perspective on it with you all.
Love ALWAYS, Megan.