
I am one of those people who loves any and all quotes/phrases that scream “I’m getting (or got) my life together”, “I’m on my way to my dream life”, or “I’m living my BEST life”. My camera roll is filled with screenshots of these kinds of quotes/phrases. I’m telling you this because it’s like when I read them… it speaks to something in me. I realized that it’s speaking to THE ME that needs to be set free. A better version of me. THE ME that is fighting to reveal itself to me and the world. This is how inspiration works, and profound words are just one example of the many things that create this type of feeling in me. It could be God’s word, a quote, a song, an event, a person… really anything.

Inspiration is such a beautiful thing and I desire to live in an INSPIRED state of mind at all times. #BloomUp I love seeing people love themselves (unapologetically), stay true to themselves, and do what makes them happy. I love seeing people operate in a creative and limitless state. I love seeing people go hard to reach their goals and chase their God given dreams. I love seeing people give themselves the freedom to do everything they were called to do. Why? Because it INSPIRES me to do the same. It makes me feel like I have the permission to do the same. I love feeling inspired and I want to be someone who triggers that feeling in others.

So, let’s look at the definition of inspiration.

On a more general level, inspiration is defined as…

·         Inspiration (noun): the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative

But, on a deeper yet higher and spiritual level, inspiration can be defined as….

·         Inspiration (noun): a DIVINE influence or action on a person believed to QUALIFY him or her to receive and communicate SACRED REVELATION

Revelation? No wonder I feel like it’s speaking to THE ME that is trying to REVEAL itself. Sacred? As in connected with God? My creator? WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. Are y ’all following me?

Now remember, on Valentine’s Day I asked y ’all… “Do you understand the magnitude of the ETERNAL DIVINITY and UNLIMITED CREATIVITY that you come from?” and I said, “We have to sense the insanely beautiful and powerful spirit of God and OPERATE in our awareness of it all.”

BOOM! Look at God!

When you are inspired, it is a feeling ignited by something or someone that was touched by and/or completely aware of and OPERATING in that same powerful, eternally divine spirit, with unlimited creativity. The spirit that we come from.

Disclaimer: I feel like we can totally inspire others even when we are not fully operating in that spirit. The greatness IN YOU recognizes the greatness it sees and feels in others. Either way, you have been touched by and are being used by The Spirit. And maybe others can see it in you, even when you can’t…

God knew we were going to need help to become the people He created us to be. #HayyyJesus Jesus Christ is the GREATEST inspiration of all time. {Completely} Knowing our creator in ALL of His PERFECT ways should inspire you to be more like Him. It should inspire you to operate in the part of you that is most like Him. #ComeThroughSpiritualBeing God also knows we STILL need EXTRA help becoming these people… who are already inside of us! I am so thankful God can touch ANYthing and ANYone at ANY time (with His beautiful spirit) to speak to THE YOU that is fighting to reveal itself. & I’ll let y ‘all in a secret…. there is ALWAYS going to be a better you trying to reveal itself. ALWAYS. Growth… especially spiritual... is a continuous/life-long thing. This is why it is so IMPORTANT to stay surrounded by sources of inspiration. Because when you are, THE YOU the world needs will keep fighting to reveal and free itself. This is more important than people realize, because setting yourself free isn’t just about you. Ask Moses.

Freedom is EVERYTHING. Freedom means WITHOUT hindrance or restraint. Jesus is freedom. Ultimately, freedom from sin, which is freedom from death. Oh death where is your sting? Oh grave, where is your victory?! THAT IS WHY JESUS IS THE GREATEST SOURCE OF INSPIRATION TO EVER WALK THIS EARTH! Ya dig? I could shout right now because if that isn’t a sacred revelation, I don’t know what is. Remember, the definition of inspiration said “QUALIFY him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation”. *drops mic* That’s it y’ all. You are qualified to live a life free of hindrance and restraints through Jesus Christ. You are qualified to live a life where you are free to chase your God given dreams. Not only are you QUALIFIED, but you were CALLED to live a life full of freedom to be exactly who God called you to be, and to inspire others to do the same! There are NO LIMITS when you are operating in the all-powerful, victorious, unlimited, and creative Spirit of God. That’s why it is so freeing to witness someone walk in this freedom. That’s why it is so important to free yourself, because when you free yourself, you allow others to free themselves. You allow others to feel qualified to RECEIVE this freedom, LIVE this freedom, and SHARE this freedom. And that my sweet friends, is what it is all about.

2 Corinthians 3:17

Now the Lord is THE SPIRIT, and where THE Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM.

Galatians 5:13

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.

Don’t hold back y’ all! Soak in any and everything that inspires you and continuously bloom into THE YOU that you were created to be. We need you! Be inspired, inspire others, and point them to the greatest inspiration of all time. Jesus Christ. 

I love y’ all.  




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